Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sleep Deprived Me

I went to watch Ratatouille in Summit (at 9.25pm) with Nadia on Monday (20th Aug) after Jamming in FF and what a nice movie it was! Nadia loved it so much! She kept on smiling and laughing when Linguini and 'Little Chef' Remy did the 'hair-pulling-and-body-coordination' action. She was very tired and rather sleepy towards the end of the movie (it's almost 2-hours long!) but managed to stay awake until the credits rolled. The movie was really worth watching.

Bonjour! Meet Linguini (the funny cook-impostor) and Remy (the Little Chef!)

We reached home at almost 12 midnight and I was surprised to find both mama and my sister Fara at my house. They came by to pass some stuff they bought from Penang during their last weekend's kenduri-visit-cum-holiday (18th - 19th Aug) in the island. Nadia was sleeping all the way from Summit to home and didn't even twitch when I carried her from the car to the bedroom. Amsyhar looked very sleepy but was still awake thanks to the excitement caused by mama's surprise visit. Chatted with mama for about an hour and both mama and Fara left my house at about 1 o'clock in the morning. Amsyhar was still awake then.

Somehow at that time, I felt like watching TV. So I lay in front of the TV while feeding Amsyhar and surfed the cable channels at that wee hour in the morning. First, I watched The Lost Boys. I always liked that movie. And you know what, Kiefer Sutherland (from the famous 24 series) was so very young in this movie! He plays the antagonist i.e. the leader of the vampire pack (a group of bikers, with bad sense of fashion I must say). I didn't know why but back in the late 80s when I first watched the movie I thought,'Wow, cool nye cerita nih!'.. But now, when I watch it again, I will definitely tergelak-gelak besar because of the the jokes and the antics in it. Yep, it's an indeed fun movie to watch. Not so scary for a vampire movie. And takde lah cool sangat sebenarnya. But still I love the movie. There were no CGIs in this movie, everything is purely based on make-up, lighting, and the technics applied when they shot the scenes. Whatever it is, I still love The Lost Boys. VAMPIRE RULES! :)

Sleep all day. Party all night. Never die. It's fun to be vampire.(The Lost Boys poster-1987)

Kiefer Sutherland as 'David the leader', but NOT the master vampire.

David showing off the benefits of dilligently brushing his teeth twice a day.

The Emerson brothers- Micheal tried to look cool in that shades while Sam observed with envy.

Nanook, the best pet Sam Emerson ever had. Nanook saved Sam (without him realising it) from becoming Micheal's late night supper!

However I didn't finish the movie that night :p. Since I've just recently watched it (last 2,3 days? last week? cant' remember exactly), I surfed the channel again and decided to watch Alexander instead. It was almost 1.30am when I changed the channel and Alexander was almost halfway to its ending already. Since I'm in the mood to watch the idiot box, I stayed on with Alexander as my second show of the night (or morning). Amsyhar was already sound asleep by this time.

Then, when the movie ended at about 2.15am, I changed to AXN and voila, CSI:NY was on! Owh owh.. The case looked interesting and I'd only missed the first 15 minutes of the show, so what the heck. And yeah, CSI:NY was my third show for the night. I called the night off at 3am.

I woke up at 7am the next morning and rushed to the office. I planned to sleep during lunchtime (to cover my lack of sleep in previous night due to my TV-marathon), or in the evening before my SPK class but I was so caught up with work that I didn't even have time to revise the chory I'd planned to do in SPK's class. At first I was so scared if I didn't have enough energy to conduct the class, but Alhamdullilah, I managed to pull it off quite alright - not too poyo, nor too over-energetic. I must've got the extra energy from Livita Honey lah I think. Or maybe, people in SPK simply motivate me :). After class, I practiced BJ42 (this release is so HAWT y'all!) in front of the mirror and hmmmppphh, still haven't memorised the second block.*grrr* AND I STILL CANNOT GET THE BOUNCE!!! G, help me! *wink wink* :D..

I left SPK at 10.30pm, arrived home roughly at about 11pm. Showered, ate dinner (I know, I know, it's very late and I ate nasik some more), read Nadia and Amsyhar their favourite bedtime stories until both kids sleep. After they sleep, I feel so bored and decided to watch TV (again?!). I was tired, but I still want to see what's on TV. I switched on the box and surfed the channel... *Ah not nice, not nice, what?critters?!not nice, boring,not nice,never heard of this show,nope,nope,, I think I've watched this movie...But what?The Prince and Me II?* I've watched The Prince and Me before. I'm not really into light-romantic movies actually. The only reason why I watched the movie previously was just because of Julia Stiles.

Isn't she lovely?

I love this woman so much! I fell in love with her the first time I saw her in 10 Things I Hate About You. And I only watched 10 Things after Azyei recommended the movie to me. If not because of Azyei, I would've not watched the movie at all (because I don't really like 'highschool stories') and would've not known Julia Stiles. Anyway, back to The Prince and Me II, as I said - I was in the mood to watch TV, so as expected - I watched the whole movie lah, eventhough Julia didn't play as Paige Morgan in this sequel. However, I found that the sequel is better than the first one. It's quite a funny movie, and gotta tell you that I love Princess Kirsten (the Scandanavian princess) so much! She's such a 'biacth' with a class (oh well, she's a princess isn't she?). Soren the butler is another favourite character of mine. The things he did to stall Kirsten from marrying King Edvard were hilarious. I was laughing all the way when I watched this movie. As the result of enjoying the movie too much, I slept at 1.30am this time. This morning, I woke up at 6.50am and rushed to office. Now, kepala rasa pening-pening lalat.

And tonight, we have BJ tuition in Axis! HAIYOH! How lah? I'm sooooo sleep deprived! :O

On another note: Congratulations to Nanie and Ijan for the arrival of Baby Khayra today (22th August 2007)! Having a baby changes one's life! You better BELIEVE it!!! Happy parenting!:)

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