Friday, February 5, 2010

Psycho Mommy

I was waiting at SJMC (now known as SDMC) lobby at the ground floor when I discover this rare breed of mommy. It was her daughter who caught my attention first. The girl was standing in front of SJMC's retail pharmacy and was talking to her brother who was sitting in a stroller. The mommy was in the store doing some shopping.

The girl was all hip and stylish; with her High School Musical sleeveless t-shirt, trendy jeans, a cute sling pouch and a girlie-girlie handbag. She must be at least 5 years old, or 6 years old. To make matters even more interesting, that girl has a spit image of a friend of mine, who was my junior way back in SMSJ.
[The mother was not my friend, unfortunately. She has similar features as my friend's, similar eyes, lips, straight hair and fair skin. But the lady is a petite woman, a total opposite of my tall lanky junior.]

After the mother's done with her shopping, she chose to sit next to me even when there're plenty of other empty seats at the lobby. Her little cute girl sat behind her. His son was placed directly in front her. The lady was looking so stressed and was busy pushing tiny buttons on her mobile phone. The boy whined something about milk and the girl started to ask question about when their turn is going to be up (to collect their medicine). I noticed that the boy's right hand was plastered and wonder if his blood was taken for some sort of test. Both kids were coughing wet coughs. The boy's voice got louder.

Suddenly the mommy snapped this to the boy:

"Do you see my hands?! Do you see my hands?! Do you see bibik (maid) anywhere?! Do you? If you don't see bibik that means no susu (milk) for you. I'm not gonna do your susu now! Do not ask me to do your susu again!"
And the mommy turned around to face her girl and said:

"Stop talking to me! I don't want to talk to you!"


You know, I can be quite a psycho mommy when I'm with my kids too sometimes. But to purposely raise your voice in public to scold your small children as if they were adults is totally uncool. She doesn't have any right to do that even if her children ARE adults. The children are so young and barely can compromise hunger or patience. The boy was obviously hungry and the girl was obviously tired of the long wait.
The mother was only holding her handphone in her hands, so I didn't quite get what she meant when she asked her boy to look at her hands. If she's tired and stressed, her kids are deffinitely as tired and as stressed as her too.
The mother continued talking to her kids with extra loud voice from thereon. For a reason I can never comprehend, she kept on checking me out while conducting her psycho behaviour (even Bard saw this and asked me why she was checking me out all the time). She converses in English with her kids (mixed with Bahasa Melayu occassionally), and her spoken English is not that impressive. Everytime she talks to any of her children, she'd stole a glace at me as if to say, 'Look at me. I'm so great because I speak English with my kids. And I'm not afraid to be stern and fierce with them.'
Oh, give me a break woman! I have two bigger kids at home and am pregnant with my third so what you did there with your kids does not impress me in anyway. I can be quite a psycho too but unlike you, I am certainly NOT PROUD of it! :( 
After the incident, I always remind myself  to hold myself together when dealing with Nadia or Amsyhar. I do not want to be the scary mommy just like that lady from SJMC. I pray that I'll have enough patience while dealing with my kids and really hope that I won't be the next psycho mommy!:P


Unknown said...

memang pyscho la that mommy.. ada jugak mommy mcm tu ek.. harap2 kita tak jadik cam tuh walau stress tahap gaban..kan..kan..

Leonora Halim said...

no worries.. your psychotic level is still bearable... ehehhehhe.....

zarrien08 said...

haiyooo.. mummy mcm tu pun ada.. takkkootttt!!! *dia bukan mak those kids kot.. heee..*

Sleeperzzzz said...

maia: yelah.. menjaga anak-anak ni memang mencabar kesabaran dan minda. harap2 kita jgn le jadi psycho gile sampai camtu skali kan.. tapi takleh berlembut sgt dgn budak2 sampai they ols pijak kepala.. huhu.. payah..payah..

leo: my psychotic level still bearable yeaa...hmmm.. bearable yeee... *sambil buat mata kakak satay di sophea tomyum*

zaza: ngah ngah.. so scary kan perempuan tu. tak laraj meks. tapi dik, confirm dia tu mak bebudak malang tu semua. sebab muka depa sebijik sejibun macam muka wanita sakit metal tuh, hohoho..

ladynina said...

geeeeeee... what's wrong with that woman!!

Leonora Halim said...

btul la imaginasi zaza... mmg anak angkat kut... eheeeee.........