Friday, April 30, 2010

Nesting Instinct

I have the strangest and strongest nesting instinct with this pregnancy. It is said that it's a common thing to happen to expecting mothers, especially to those who are so near at delivering. I'm NOT saying or implying that I'm gonna deliver soon, but the urge to get the house clean and clutter free grows so strong lately.

I have so far tidied and revamped the upstairs' and downstairs' rooms. I have also successfully cleaned the clutters both in dry kitchen area and the storage area. All these were done with major assistance from my helper, Yeni. Bard involved in the furniture shopping (which took up an extremely long time, and was damn tiring!) as well as monitoring the setting-up and the installation of the furnitures in respective rooms. I personally took the measurements, did the calculation and the layout planning for the furniture set-ups and also did the thinking of the back-up plans in case the furniture layout doesn't add up. Just imagine a 37+ weeks pregnant lady with a measurement tape, a pencil and a stack of papers in hand taking measurements in multiple rooms and drawing furniture layout plan immediately after the measurements were taken (nasib baik amik QS dulu, so meks pandai la jugak lukis2 plan nih, hau hau). It's just so wrong isn't it? Heheh.

But I just can't stand the nesting urge. I surrender to the impulse and did whatever I takes to make myself happy. I just cannot explain why am I having this kind of desire with this baby and not with my previous two. You'd be surprise at the things I managed to do even with this proud protuding belly. I incessantly walked up and down the stairs hauling heavy stuffs alone. I personally crawled in the tight space of the storage area to fish out unwanted clutters. I heaved the heavy wooden wardrobe with my helper all the way to dry kitchen area. I balanced my huge body up on a small stool just so that I can store some stuffs at the top shelves of the cupboard.

Dangerous, right? Tapi tak bley tahan uols, I cannot fight this stong sense of nesting! As the result of this instinct, I managed to get more space in all areas cleaned, found out that I have multiple expired vouchers amounting to RM500 (that's sucks doesn't it), found money amounting to RM15 (give or take) and successfully threw out all 'treasured' rubbish in the house (broken childrens' toys, broken stroller, broken telephones, shoe boxes, etc). It seems that having a cluttered house does not profit you in anyway. Maybe I should implement 5S Housekeeping concept at home too, hahaha.

Now, it's time for baby check-up update :)

The head is still not engaged. The doctor is not worried about this. I am too not worried about this. As I mentioned in my entry before, it doesn't really matter if the baby engages now or later. The doctor even speculated that the baby might engage herself on the day she's going to be born.

According to scan yesterday, the baby has grown quite big and looks good on the screen. Things got pretty crowded in my utero, and she looks so cramped up in the tight space. Lately, she hiccups a lot too. The doctor said that it's a normal thing and asked me to monitor my baby kicks everyday. Eventhough this baby is not as playful as Amsyhar before, she does move more than 10 times daily for sure. My gyne even mentioned that if I do a lot of brisk walking now, I might be delivering soon enough. Adakah anda memberi hint yang saye dah gemuk dan perlu bersenam doktor? Just to let you guys know, I'm already 68.2kg now! Ouch!

I guess this conversation WILL take place between Bard and me in near future, hehe.

Till then peeps! Ciao ;)


Ray said...

Aiyo Jue..

Nesting nesting gak but pleasssseee be careful in your nesting chores ok..Takut I baca u sibuk gak nak naik bangku segala. That part semua I'm sure your helper can do. But be careful Ok girl;)

Now dok diam2 je tunggu baby keluar hehhehe

Sleeperzzzz said...

Hahahaha... Baik boss! :D

The Bubur Caca Lover said...

Cik Juwita, hot 37+ preggy momma who thinks she is fat tapi sebenarnya perutnya saja yang besar, SILA JANGAN RAJIN TERLAMPAU2, OK? sila kurangkan tahap kerajinan anda hingga anda habis pantang nanti, ek?

p/s: take care n selamat men'deliver'kan seorang baby girl yang comeeyy....

Sleeperzzzz said...

Kak Chot yang jauh nun di Tokyo (lagu latar Tokyo Drift):

Tengkiu untuk kata-kata manis anda, tapi saye memang GEMOK tahap melampau yeee. Tak caya mai la balik Mesia tengok, keh keh keh.

Anyway, ye baik, saya akan berenti merepek-repek mengemas secara gila ini. Memang sungguh misteri, saye pun tak taw naper tetiber naik hantu rajin mengemas! :P

And also tengkiu for the wish untuk selamat melahirkan.. Tunggu saja update di FB, kalau masanyer udah tiba! :D

Unknown said...

gegirl kt dlm pewot tu nanti mesti rajin mengemas.. hehe..

sila jgn melakukan kerja2 yg boleh membahayakan ye..saudari sudah hampir mau bersalin..sila jaga diri ye.. (^_^)

azyei said...

Chot, Jue tuh tak gemok langsung. Perut jer besar. Dia jer yang perasan lebih dia gemok. I saw her just two days ago. I should know.