Monday, April 26, 2010

So Pregnant

I was  barely 60kg when I was with Amyshar. I was weighed 67kg on my last check-up (22nd April 2010)! I gained about 1.3kg in only two weeks. Damn! What the hell did I do to myself? Arghhhhh.... >:(

Everytime people see me now, they can't help but to say this:

Mak oi, besarnye perut!

Alamak, macam nak meletop bila-bila aje nie!

Haiyo, so big la you!

Eh, berapa banyak ko dah put on yek? Hahaha.. *haram punye soklan*

Bila due nih?

Bila nak meletup nih?
I know I'm fat. But at least I am pregnant okeh. Huhu.

On another note, I have made some enquiries about GBS risks during my delivery later. I asked my pediatrician about the risks of GBS infection to my soon to-be-born girl. The doctor is pretty confident that the risk can be managed and avoided altogether. She explained to me briefly about the steps they're going to take right after the delivery and the measures to be taken if the baby is tested positive for GBS. She said that if I am to be given antibiotic IV during labour and delivery, the chances for my little princess to get GBS infection is close to none. Normally the observation will take up to 24 - 48 hours long. Both mother and baby are required to stay in the hospital until the health caregiver gives the OK for both to go home. As for me, I don't mind staying at the hospital and letting my baby to stay in the hospital for as long as it takes. I don't want to put my child at risk of getting the infection. At least if she stays in the hospital, I know she's in good hands.

My pediatrician also mentioned that she handled few GBS infected babies before and Alhamdullilah, so far the babies recovered with no late onset infections. I asked her if GBS test is mandatory in all hospitals and she said NO. SDMC just made GBS test their standard practice after a death of a baby with GBS infection few years back. The mother was obviously NOT tested for GBS colonization during her pregnancy. The case was quite huge as the parents threatened the hospital to take necessary law actions based on what happened to their child. My doctor didn't mention if the parents really DID sue the hospital in the end or not. However my point here is, so far not EVERY hospital here in Malaysia insist on expecting mothers to get themselves tested for GBS colonization.

So please expecting mothers, do get yourself tested for GBS when you're already 33-35 weeks pregnant.

As for my gynecologist, she's very confident that she can manage my baby and me during delivery. I asked her about the minimum time for me to be put on antibiotic IV, in case my labour is short. As what I've read on the Net, to ensure the effectiveness of antibiotic given to a woman with GBS colonization, the IV has to be given 4 hours before actual delivery and at 4 hour intervals if the labour goes longer. Minimum time for the antibiotic to take effect is 2 hours.

My gyne contested all these and said that it takes up about only 2 minutes for the antibiotic to get in human body system and I should be fully protected from then onwards. I was struck dumbfounded upon hearing this as I thought my labour management will be even more 'hectic', longer and scarier. She convinced me repeatedly that everything should be fine and will be okay.

Oh, whatever you say boss. You're the specialist! Just make sure my baby is fine ok? :)

Alright now, besides my WEIGHT update. Lets talk about the little superstar yea :).. My gyne didn't scan me on my last visit so I didn't get to see her development last week. The heartbeat sounds good and she's growing as expected. My doc said that my girl still has not dropped down into my birth canal (some people call it engaged). I'm not so worried about this. Nadia was engaged few weeks earlier (around week 36) and I gave birth to her on the expected due date (EDD) itself (4 weeks later). Amsyhar was 'half dropped' when I was almost 39 weeks pregnant and gave birth to him 3 days later. See? It's a no biggie, being engaged early or otherwise.

The gyne asked me to get ready in the first week of May as I had history of giving birth earlier than my EDD. As I mentioned above, I gave birth right on EDD with Nadia and one week earlier with Amsyhar. So yeah, I'm getting ready for ANYTHING to happen next week. As long as I'm not overdue, I'm fine with anytime :)

Before I stop, I just wanna share these pictures with you guys here. I'm not a runaway mom and admit that I don't look hot in those top and shorts. The pictures were taken when I was 29 weeks, 31 weeks and 36 weeks pregnant respectively. Enjoy :)

Till next update people, ciao! Pray for the health and safety of my baby and me ;)


zarrien08 said...

Me praying that everything's gonna be okay. Kak Ju & also the little princess! :)
Who said u didn't look hot?! Well, I can see that ur 'perut' looks damn hot yoh! Eheee.. :D

azyei said...

Don't worry, babe. You still look good despite the HUGE (sorry!) stomach. I think this princess is bigger than Dya!
I'm sure the doctors will know what to do to ensure yours and your girl's health and safety. InsyaAllah, everything will go well.
Auntie Azyei is super excited to meet the princess.

Sleeperzzzz said...

Zazabam & Azyei: Thanks for your encouraging word. Really hope everything turns out well :) *prays hard*

Thanks loads gals!*hugs*

CiKaYu said...

hai, baru singgah sini. nice blog...sape kata tak mama tau...insya'allah everything gonna be fine. you'll have very cute and healthy baby girl. dont think too much bout others especially GBS, as long as ur doc has confirmed everything is ok... insya'allah

Sleeperzzzz said...

Cik Ayu: Thanks for dropping by :).. Saya tidak hot sama sekali okeh. Saya rasa saya mcm guni berisi potato yang sgt sarat dan berat sekarang. Seriously! LOL

Anyway, stay tuned for my update ok. Insya-Allah everything is gonna be good *prays*

Eti said...

the last few weeks of pregnancy are always the worst kan??? memang lah excited about the newcomer but carrying it and the anticipation of the D Day itself... OMG!!! all the best to you though!!! hope everything goes according to plan.

Lemongrass Boy said...

for a pregnant mum, that is hawt la ok! somemore can pose pose! LOL

Again. don't worry so much and I absolutely agree with Kak Zyei! The doctors will ensure both being are in the best state

I wonder, what will happen if the baby turns out to be a boy? Hehe... Just injecting some wild fantasy

Sleeperzzzz said...

Eti: Thanks! Ye lah, memang the days towards D Day are challenging, psychologically and physically, haha. Badan berat tak tertanggung, kepala hotak dah malas nak kerje, blablabla..You know what I mean kan? ;D

Andrew: Haiya, kalau keluar boy I still okey jugak, hehe.. But I'm confident this is gonna be a girl la Andrew. Many times scan already la sayang :)

s.c.h.u.l.t said...

tummy je besar. other? can't see more than that!

goodluck for your delivery! ;)