Friday, May 7, 2010

T-5 Days And She's Still Comfy In My Belly

I'm still not in labor. Just in case if you're wondering.

Went to my regular pregnancy check-up at SDMC yesterday (6th May 2010) and to my surprise, my weight has dropped from 68.2kg to 67.4kg. I still wonder how did I loose that 800grams of weight. My belly is still huge, my body is still huge and the baby moves just fine (more than 10 kicks per day). Quite a mystery, right?

Yesterday, the doctor did Pelvic Examination (PE) to see if the baby's head has dropped or if my cervix has opened. According to her, I have dilated at 2cm, but the baby's head is still high. She gave me the options to either induce or wait.

Since I have no other health issues (except for GBS), so that makes me left with no specific medical reasons on why I should induce my labor. Unless if I'm tired of the waiting game and look forward to have the baby delivered soon, then I can choose to induce my labor immediately.

I chose to WAIT. To tell you the truth, I'm scared of induced labor. Heard too many scary stories from friends about the horror of 'forced labor' and given the options to choose, I opt to wait until the baby is ready to come out!

Honestly, I do feel tired of waiting. I feel tired of driving to and fro my office, tired of being at the office, tired of the false labors (which conveniently always happened at night), tired of the extra weight and tired of the sleep deprived days. I want her to come out real soon but she seems like to play hide and seek with me. I'm just plain tired now and just can't wait to see her.

Had a chat with my mama yesterday and she told me to be patient. She said that the baby will come out when the time comes. I don't mind if my baby want to take her own sweet time and choose whichever date she wants to come out like a diva. The things is, there are a couple of problems:

1. On 9th of May 2010, my gyne will be on leave. So IF I am to deliver on the 9th, I will be attended my another doctor assigned to act on her place for that day. I don't want any other doctor. I just want her and no one else :(

2. If I'm overdue, I'm definitely will have to be induced. Oh my. So scary.

Not so nice choices, right. Well, all I can do now is pray that my baby will make up her mind and choose to born on either 7th May, 8th May, 10th May, 11th May or 12th May. Come little girl, don't let mama stress out will you? Pretty please? Be a good girl boleh tak sayang?

Till then, do pray for me people. Ciao!


Ray said...


I'm thinking..your little princess will make her grand entrance weekend ni;).. That's my bet!!Hahahhaha..Good luck girl, ur a pro by now, don't worry;)

Sleeperzzzz said...

Sue dear,

I pun tak taw laa. Kalau sungguh dia nak buat grand entrance during the weekend, I redha je. I know by fact that having dilated cervix doesn't guarantee fast labor. Some people went for 1cm - 4cm dilation for one week long! I had 1cm dilation with Nadia for about a week long too :P.

Whatever it is, I hope I'm not overdue. And I do hope that the baby is fine & safely arrive when the time comes. Do pray for me babe!