Thursday, May 22, 2008

I've been tagged ehehe :D Bubur Cha Cha Lover and huhuhu, yeah I guess it's a very valid reason why I should makan gaji buta today and write about.....

7 Things You Should Know About Me

1. I mempunyai perut yang buncit, but then again I think everybody knows this lah. Always have and always will, I think heheh. I owe this to my constant high consumption of rice and I mean loads of rice ok! I have already reduced the volume of my consumption lately mainly because of my buncitness menjadi semakin buncit sampai tak dapat ditolong. Another reason is because harga beras dah naik yo! Good excuse to slim down and save up haha..

2. I hate roaches. Busuk. Kotor. Hitam. Berkaki bergergigi. Bersesungut. Dan dia boleh terbang. Sungguh scary uolsss.. Have you ever realized that roaches always fly straight to human's head rather than human's hand or legs? I had so many bad experiences with cockroaches. I was once harrassed by roaches, when I sleptover at my mom's house (bunked in my bro's room with Amsyhar and Nadia). The roach crawled from the top of my head , across my face, down my neck and into my baju tido! Not one but TWO roaches ok! Hampeh! :p.. Besides roaches, I'm totally scared of spiders too. That eight legged freaks! Get 'em outta here! Yikes! Takut giler uols... Huisyhhh.. Geli lah.

3. I tak minat bola sangat. I can watch football, ocassionally. Sometimes. Ok ok, kadang-kadang. When the mood kicks in I can layan bola. But takde la sampai sanggup berjaga sampai 3-4 pagi macam the Lady :D.

4. I love to dance but I can't dance. I know, some of you will say, 'Hah?Tak bole menari? Tipuuu..' Weii.. Seriously, I can't dance unless somebody choreograph the piece for me. That's why I love BODYJAM & NIKE ROCKSTAR WORKOUT, hahaha. Cardio dance was my craze (dulu-dulu) and now berjinak-jinak dengan Line Dance Funk, huhu,guilty! I love to dance and I think I can dance sikit-sikit. But I don't know how to choreograph a piece. Heck, I don't even know how to freestyle. Cube lah you suruh I freestyle. Mesti I buat boxstep, grapevine, BB, step touch. Tu semua I tau laaaa, hahahaha..

5. My triceps can't seem to grow bigger. Why ha? And they are super week too. Dulu-dulu masa sukan tara sekolah menengah, I always kantoi in short put. Minimum range pun tak lepas uols. Fail... However, thanks to numerous chaturanga in sun salutation in my regularly-attended Yoga classes, now my triceps are slightly stronger. But I have to make it bigger. Why? Because I look super-scrawny whenever I jam on the stage. Macam 'orang-orang' kat sawah padi tu lah. So dangly and kerempeng and melayang-layang. So not cool. Chey...

6. I'm claustrophobic. I don't know I have it until I was trapped in a lift. It was barely 10 minutes. But I still remember clearly how I felt as if the aircond in the lift have stopped, how stuffy the air was, and how difficult it was for me to breathe. No joke. That was scary. I experience the same panic surge when I first tried the SMART tunnel. Apalah, tak macho langsung :p

7. I hate lelaki-lelaki yang perasan hensem, inside the gym or outside the gym. Dah tu dok check-check-check-it-out girls pulak, as if they are sooooo good looking that girls like us are soooo willing to waste our time watching their not-so-attaractive face and body. I mean, some of them are good looking, very handsome in fact. But puh-leeess, that attitude is such a major turn off! Aiyo. Tolong lah. But then again, if the guy IS truly good looking / handsome, then it shouldn't be so bad. I mean, of couse you will feel menyampah and all but hey, the guy IS good looking so okay lah kan. Nie ada pulak bangsa yang tak pernah cermin muka kat toilet, ada hati nak chat up girls in the gym. I honestly don't know where did these guys get the confidence to chat up girls in the gym with their poorest skills and style ever. Haven't they heard of that community service ad in Mix.FM? DO NOT CHAT UP GIRLS AT THE GYM! Tak kuase...Benci benci benci..

So, that's all the Seven Things You Should Know About Me, heheheh.. Informative enough? But I think most of it most you guys already know about it kan.

Updated on 27th May 2008:

A friend of mine told me that RULE NUMBER ONE in tagging game is to tag another people right after you completed the questionnaire. I suppose to tag SEVEN persons but most of my dear friends rarely update their blogs regularly nowadays. So, here are the lucky peeps yang kena tag dengan I heheh *drum rolls*:

1. The Lady
2. Malaysia's Own BJ Head Teacher aka The Waterlily
3. The Wolf
4. Anak Sulung Shaarani
5. FarahHoney
6. Tina
7. YKH the Gym Bunny (are you still sleeping?)

Wokey peeps! Keep the tag going!;D


ladynina said...

rule of the thumb of tagged game is to tag other people back. so, dgn tak malunya i consider you tagged i. boleh gitu??

muahahahahahaaaaaa (gelak dgn penuh perasaan. bukan ala² sofia gelak tak kuar suara ok?)

Anonymous said...

mcm laha la no 4 tuhhhhhhhh......... :P

Sleeperzzzz said...

Yeszaaaa... I hereby declare that the Lady is officially tagged!!! Owhyeah!!:D

Waterlily, eh shadap la you. Kan ke betul statement I, cube you suruh I freestyle sikit.. Musti I wat boxstep, grapevine, three steps to right, three step to the left. Gietewwwwwssss!!!:D

Sleeperzzzz said...
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