Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sakit nye mata

Seriuosly, I mean it. I don't think I have that typical eyesore this time. Actually I rarely have eyesore. Some said I may have ketumbit. I thought I have ketumbit too. But the swelling is getting worse. Normally when you have ketumbit, the swelling will be focused on one point only. But mine is well distributed along the eyelid, making it looks like its been injected with saline just under that thin skin so it became tight-bloated. I'm not exaggerating. It's how it looks like, honestly. Scary huh.
My left eye is already half-closed now. It hurts pretty bad too. The swelling was not so bad two days before. I still wore my contact lenses the whole day yesterday. But I did have some minor difficulties in varying my focus whenever I read my documents, viewed the computer or scrutinised the tables & charts on my cubicle wall. I bumped into my lady-boss this morning and showed her my eye. Another collegue was there too to witness the gory display. Both shrieked, 'Eeeeeeeeeeeee...Apa jadi dengan mata you?!!!'. Wah, it's that bad-looking isn't it?
But the eye does look bad. It doesn't just look bad, it feels bad too. Now I feel the pain everytime I blink my eyes. The lid feels slightly warmer compared to the other lid. My vision is undeniably disturbed. The left eye is getting a bit watery now. One of my friend told me ,'Saya ingatkan akak pakai eyeshadow tadi. Rupa-rupanya bengkak teruk yeee'. Yup, now the swollen lid is creatively decorated by nature with awesome purplish-red tint, nicely lined across my left eye so that it'll be even more obvious to the public to see :p
I thought I wanna visit my regular doctor later this evening, just before hitting the gym. Wah, masih nak buat kelas yeeeee (semenjak naik gaji nie aku memang jarang cancel class uolssss!). But I've decided to cancel that BJ class and fortunately Fifi agreed to do the cover for that particular slot. Phew. My boss told me to visit the clinic just beside our office ASAP. I'm thinking of cabut awal (as early as 3.45pm-4pm) and go to the clinic near my house. But the eye is really testing me lah. Sakit giler uolsss. Now be patient Juwita. It's only 10am... You have another 5-6 hours to bear the pain. Aiyooo.. 5-6 hours kah? Like that long?!
Good God give me patience and strength to sustain the pain and the long hours! Hishhh!!!


ladynina said...

ooo.. last night i tanya what happened to your eyes, bukan tak tahu je ye dgn soalan i. *tarik muka panjang2*

heehee... jgn tgk amsyhar shee-shee lagi ok? :-p

ladynina said...

sila betul kan bukan --> buat..

Sleeperzzzz said...

Aiyoo Lady, I seriously tak dengar yeeee soklan you.. Huhuhuhu...SORRY BABE!!! Ya lah, I rase I kena sbb I tgk Amsyhar shee shee lah, LOL! Btw, the eyes are getting better. Completed the antibiotic course already. Smlm kulit mata I yg sakit tu mengelupas. Cheyyyyy..