Monday, July 31, 2006

Happy Family!!!

Yahooo...It's over, FINALLY! I'm so darn tired... Took an EL today (or EOT (extension of time) as some of my collegues put it,ha-ha!). 29th-30th July 2006 were the dates my department (Bahagian Jalan Kerja & Jambatan) held a joined Family Day with our twin-department sibling (Bahagian Penswastaan, Penyenggaraan & Pelbagai).
After postponing the event for almost a year (due to so many other issues & stuffs), we finally manage to get it done during last weekends. And what a blast it was! We had our Family Day in Tiara Beach Resort, Port Dickson, and boy the place really RAWKS! :D
I mean, most of us know how badly polluted PD beaches are, and how hard it is for us to find a descent clean spot for us to enjoy PD beach. But hey, do not fret for Tiara Beach Resort provides the cleanest & the most fun 'beach' for all to enjoy! And yep, it's human-made; complete with spiral slides, waterfalls, salt-water pool & sand all over the place! They even have this one special pool for kids, complete with various slides, waterfountains coming out from the tentacles of this one gigantic octopus, swings (in the middle of pool okay), built-in water-guns on the pool sides, and loads of lifeguards to monitor your kids.
If I didn't have to take care of Amsyhar, I would have hopped into the pools, swim like there's no tomorrow, baked & toasted my skin to the max and have the time of my life! The thing is, I have a baby to take care of and I can't disturb Bard since he has already signed this unwritten contract to be Nadia's sidekick in her pool-adventure. So no pool-adventure for me this time around, sad sad sad..:(
The Family Day kicked of with Family Dinner on 29th July 2006, at Tiara Beach Resort's terrace cafe. I was the coordinator, and all I can say about the dinner outcome is only Okay. Loads of hiccups which was way beyond my control (interupted sound system, lost gifts, wrong gifts handed to the wrong hands), and I couldn't focus with the event because Nadia's having diarrhoea. She kept on bugging me to bring her to the toilet to do her business. She became my shadow that night for she tailed me wherever I went. I just couldn't put my 100% focus on managing the event. Luckily I have a very efficient assistant (thanks a lot Joe) and he helped me throughout the event. I don't think I would've made it through the night without him. Thanks loads buddy! And congrats for winning male's best dress prize! Kau memang kelassssss!!!!!
The next day (30th July 2006), we had telematch. Nadia was so funny, she did so many cute stuff while playing the games. And I never imagine myself to be the major spoiler of my team when it comes to telematch games, honestly! I always thought and always picture myself to be the most macho gal in the group, and the fastest and the most aggresive competitor in any telematch game. Turned out to be the contrary I must say, ha-ha! I slipped & fell during 'susun batu-bata' and my coordination was so darn out while playing 'terompah gergasi' (I always thought my coordination was kinda alright cause I know how to dance). Bard was my 'saviour' at all times, being the fastest person in our group when it comes to any games he participated. But the highlight event must be the 'pecah belon' event. Ohmigod, it was so hilarious. Unfortunately I didn't participate in this one, as my name wasn't registered to be in that event. Oh well, there's always next time isn't there?
Anyway.. That's all friends.. Today's my resting day here at home. After sending Amsyhar for his updated immunization shot, I suddenly felt so tired and so lazy to even go out from the house for a teh tarik with my dear Bard. Sorry la sayang. Nanti I belanja you teh tarik okay. Hahaha...


Anonymous said...

Bestnye family day! Mahal tak Tiara Beach Resort? Nak pergi laa..

Sleeperzzzz said...

anonymous: err...don't quite get on what you impressed about. me bimbo, so slow..

nora: mahal sgt kalau nko pegi individually. if you use agent for big stuff like meetings, family day, induction, team building gatherings; boley dapat murah banyak.. best sgt tempat tu! i tried to upload pics but tak dapat..maybe my server is wayyy too slow kot?

Anonymous said...

Err... Mahal tu berapa? Any idea? Macam best giler tempat tu. Ada nombor agent tak? Maybe nak propose kat my hubby's clinic. Hehe...