Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I was driving home from SPK last night, approximately about 9pm along SPRINT highway - somewhere after the toll near Phileo Damansara/Eastin and Uptown area, when this one huge muscle car flashed me his beams from behind. The speed limit there is 70km/hour, but roughly everybody else was driving at 90-100km/hour. The traffic was smooth but busy. There were cars beside me and in front of me, occupying both lanes. I was driving on the fast lane.

The muscle car flashed his beams at me for the second time. I buat tak layan lah. Hey, this is a 70km/hour road ok? You want me to go faster than what I'm driving at now kah? If I got summons ticket, are you gonna pay for me? Those are the silly little things I mumbled to myself.

Then again, he flashed his beams. Only this time it was flashed repeatedly, indicating his lost of patience towards my reaction. And he also TAILGATED me. Like I'm intimidated easily with that trick. I'm easy. You kiss, you pay. I didn't budge and decided to aggravate the situation by slowing down, from 100km/hour to 80km/hour (I know, still exceed the speed limit). The bloke got impatient even more and flashed his beams furiously. So I slowed my car from 80km/hour to 70km/hour. BOO-HOO. You think you so samseng kah?

Some of the cars on my left however did slow down and gave the impatient driver chance to overtake me by using the left lane. I had to refrain the urge to gave the impatient driver my precious middle finger as he overtook me from my left. My eyes glued to the road but I could sense the driver turned his face and looked at me as he overtook my car. I buat expression se'sardin' yang mungkin. When he's done, he immediately swerved his big car to the right (which means in front of me) and sped up. And then I realised the car was actually a white-greyish muscle Merc with bold red plate numbers on white car-regisitration plate. Well, actually the plate numbers are hardly a series of number at all.

It's only TMJ. What the heck? Timbalan Menteri Johor perhaps?

But as I said, eventhough the traffic was smooth, it was still busy. There're lots of cars on the road at that time. The TMJ car kept on speeding and then tailgated one Hyundai in front of him. The best thing was, that Hyundai didn't budge either. BOO-HOO again. He flashed his beams again and drove very close to the Hyundai, but the Hyundai didn't budge still. Approaching Damansara NKVE Toll Plaza, the Hyundai finally gave in to the TMJ car. The TMJ car accelerated in glory, again. I stayed on behind the TMJ guy, cursing his victory. But as we approached the toll plaza (about 50 meters or so), the TMJ guy swerved his car to the most left booth (i.e cash lane). I couldn't help myselft but to laugh out loud.

Hai, pakai keta muscle, Merc lagi.. Tapi Smart Tag pun tak mampu? Cheyyyy...



ladynina said...

bloody stupid driver. i've this impatience issue on the road. if i were you, i have had showed my middle finger when he tailgating me. fight or no fight after that, is 2nd story.


Anonymous said...

i think TMJ stand for Tengku Mahkota Johor..

Sleeperzzzz said...

LN - you are such a LADY, i liiiiiikkkkkeeeeeeeee....

anonymous - ye lah, i think that's soooo correct. sebab tu perangai like hantu. i stayed in Johor before for almost 7 years. i know most 'stories' about TMJ and his mysterious pantang-larang. and his terrible mood swings as well.

like i care?

Anonymous said...

The royals of johor really play their role as sultans (as told by the ancient history), not just as a symbol. There's some positive in that i believe.