Monday, August 27, 2007


Late 30 seconds to BJ tuition with Kylie Gate's presence: RESULT : 5 crazy salt-shakers
(btw, it wasn't me)
Late ONE hour to the office (located in Jalan Raja Laut): RESULT : One and an half hour blady MAJOR traffic jam due to road closures for the 50th Merdeka Parade's rehearsals
Late night TV-marathons: RESULT :Discovered one new AWESOME sci-fi mini-series that will totally blow my nights away - THE LOST ROOM (check it out y'all, it's freakin' kewl)
....Aiya...Tonight kenot watch late TV liao... Tomorrow havta wake up super-early, or else I'll be stuck AROUND (cannot even enter aitelyu) KL again! Road closures for the Merdeka parade rehearsals will be commencing in stages from 7.30am onwards, daily from Monday - Thursday. The worst (as predicted by ITIS) might be on Wednesday morning, i.e. the Full-Dress Rehearsal Day. Thursday might be a total knock-out too, as there will be Ambang Merdeka celebration that night, with the VVIP (PM lah tu) prensence and whatnot. And the stretch of roads affected were ALL sooooooo di sekitar kawasan my office...
Like DUH right...:/

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