Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Day That Boy Got His Scar

I know this is such a super-duper outdated entry but I wish to share some pics taken right after my Amsyhar boy cut his forehead open (yeah, I love to exaggerate things) after he bumped on my bedroom's doorframe on Saturday morning, 9th June 2007.

This is the picture taken few seconds before the doc stitch his wound. The wound was quite deep and about 1.5cm long. He was crying incessantly due to the pain. Adoi, was I panic!

And this one taken just after he received his sutures. Just look at his selamba expression. Haih...

The bloody shirt.

Was he tired after the ordeal...

But he's up and ready to rumble soon after! (trip to Guradian Pharmacy in the evening to buy the transparent water-proof seal/plaster)

The cheecky boy is in action again! Notice the scar? :)


ladynina said...

haih.... mmg la dia ni. sempat lagik amek gambar few second before kena jahit. panic but sempat snapped a shot.

haih.... :-p

ladynina said...

btw, just noticed that it was 1 month ago.. :p. hope amsyhar dah ok d.. :-D

Leonora Halim said...

ada scar baru macho!!! ala2 riddick gitu.. ahaks!