Monday, October 29, 2007

i'm not dead yet :p

It been a long while since I last updated my blog. I was terribly busy with work! But on contrary, I did feel content with my work now. The sense of responsibility, the acknowledgement of one's talent and skill, the growth and exposure of so many things within such short period. I think I've learnt and done more in the past three months compared to the last four years I'm in the company. Not anybody's fault. Let's put the blame on time and most of it, I'd rather put it on me. I'm glad with where I am now and happy with what I did, doing and going to do. Life's kind of hectic and stressful at times, but I'd say it's a good stress and I'm lovin' every minute of it. Weird huh/ Well tell be about it,heheh.. I am a weirdo anyway. Lol.

Ramadhan was long gone and I must say, I missed the holy month so much. I think I was a better person back then, a better mommy to my kids, spent loads of time at home and gotta admit that I enjoyed parenting so much I was thinking of dropping Bodyjam many times during that month! No wonder Tracy's willing to give up BJ for Jazz. IT'S WORTH IT. Tiring, stressful, MAJOR headache, but worth every single minute out of it. Bard teased me and said,'Eleh..Nanti bila dah start mengajar, mesti rasa sayang nak drop BJ pulak tu kan'.. And he's right. I just started teaching last Tuesday (22nd Oct) and the other two classes on Saturday and Sunday (last weekend). I felt revitalised by the energy from the crowd. I love the feeling. I love teaching BJ. So I decided to hold on for just a little while longer... ;)

We're still in Syawal month and gosh, people are still organising and attending open houses. More foods were served, devoured and wasted (in some cases). The traffic was terrible over the weekends. I think loads of KL people are using up those days to organise last-minute-before-Syawal-ends open houses and thus making the traffic at terrible crawl in many parts of KL. I myself attended a wedding reception and one open house on saturday evening. Congratulations to Azah & Yus for your wedding and upcoming baby (nikah 5 months ago kalau tak silap). Special thanks to Osmy & Mikey for invinting us (fitness freakos) to that warm & wonderful Raya gathering of yours. Terima kasih la sebab bagi food yang teramat-amat banyaknye tu. Sampai hari ni tak abis lagi tahu tak..:DDDD

Sunday was spent at Larry's place, a special send-off organised by us (mainly Shirlyn, Raymond and Larry - I think) for our dear Clement. He's leaving to Bangkok for better career opportunity (he's a QS okay, no nasty thoughts alright heheh). He's leaving on 1st November 2007, that is this Thursday. I was thinking of sending him off at KLIA, bolehlah berdrama-drama air mata (kononnye). But I can't since I'm taking over his BJ slot in Consplant, I'm sure I won't make it in time from KLIA to Subang in less than an hour. So, Clement Chai... Here goes; Have a safe journey! Don't forget about us here! If we happen to be there in bangkok, don't treat us like starngers. It's your obligation to entertain us and we mean really ENTERTAIN like a KING, heheheh.. Joking la.. Gonna miss you loads. You're one of the most kind, humble and hardworking person I've ever met. Loved by all, unconditionally. Gonna miss you sweets. Take good care and have a great career in Bangkok! Love ya!

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