Monday, October 29, 2007

Cabaran Badan : Episod 1

In June 2007:
Bodyweight : 43.5kg
Fat Percentage : 20.9%

Today (29th Oct 2007):
Bodyweight : 47.3kg
Fat Percentage : 27.9%

Like WHAT THE HELL?! I don't mind the additional 4 kilos, really. In fact I look forward to reach at least 49kg - 50kg (bodyweight). But the increase in fat percentage as well? Damn it! Damn you chocolates! Damn you kuih raya! Damn you chocolate cakes! Damn you kari ayam! Damn you all!

Last Saturday, Osmy showed us Bodyjammers the recorded BJ41 launch in TC. I looked terribly THIN in the vid. And my arms look extremely dangly and long. Longer than Tracy's. What the hell (again)?

Apakah yang terjadi pada badan saya sebenarnya? Panjang tetapi buncit? So what should I do? More triceps & bicep curls, more sit ups, more cardio?


Aku yang lost,



andrewkin said...

hmmm ... let's workout together k! see you on sunday :-)

Anonymous said...

ye ke ju?? cam x caya jer dah bunc....

Anonymous said...

ye ke bunc? ke igauan je ni? heehee... you mmg dh skinny type la sis, foods wont expand you that much. really. :-)

chill... kita makan dulu..

Anonymous said...

4 kilo increased! mmm...takpe u still look GOOD! ;-)

Anonymous said...

btw kak ju, i was announced an obese with 30.9%. hows that for a start?