Saturday, November 24, 2007

Busy busy busy :p

Yes I am. Very. At work, in the gym, at home. I thought school holidays means rest, or relax, or anything yang sewaktu dengannya. But no, na-uh, not for me.

Abang Long (Bard's first brother) and the whole troop was here in KL since yesterday. They came all the way from Sarawak. Haven't seen them for years, and I was so surprised when I saw two handsome boys sprawling in front of the tv in the family area when I reached home last night. Abang Long, Kak Long, Atirah and Azim were all already asleep. Must be darn tired from their Jalan Masjid India shopping rendevous earlier, heheh. So the boys were Alif and A'ai. Both have grown up so much. Only A'ai looks the same. Alif changed totally. Things were a bit awkward at first, they hardly responded to ANY questions I asked. Malu la konon. When Daim returned home from his Mandarin class, the boys eased up and finally I got to hear their voice. Apalah :p

Abang Long will be in Semenanjung until 12th December. According to plan, the whole family will be leaving to kampung this Monday (26th November) and will spend at least one to one and half weeks in kampung (Teluk Intan). I don't have any idea when are they planning to return to KL, but definitely before 7th December.

On 7th December, both mak and abah (my mom & father in-law) will come to my house to attend Daim's graduation on 8th December. Mak and abah might be staying a bit long in KL since they hardly get out of Teluk Intan that often.

On 8th December, both mama and papa will be leaving to Mekah untuk menunaikan ibadah haji. Insya-Allah, if I still have the strength, I might go and send them off to Kelana Jaya. It's not like they go to Mekah everyday :p

At work, two of my projects were scheduled to be negotiated on 5th December. We just had our second technical meeting on 22nd November, and I haven't received the finalized BQ then. How am I suppose to do MY pricing without proper BQ in hand? Provided they submit it to me next Monday, this means I will be left with less than a week to seek quotations and establish my built-up rates before the negotiation. LESS THAN A WEEK for TWO PROJECTS?! And one of the projects involved 1200mm diameter borepiles and not to mention prestressed beam for 70m long bridge! Mampoih aku.

Before I forgot, I also have BODYJAM release 43 launches going on on both 7th and 8th December! On the 7th it'll be in Uptown at 6.30pm (sneak preview-most probably doing it with Kim or (god forbid) ALONE), and on the 8th will big launch in Summit at 1.00pm with Azyei.

If you asked me, 'What happen to your Cabaran Badan bunc?'. My answer would be, 'Takde maknenye Cabaran Badan. Ah, tak kuase'. So I'll be doing the launches with my precious bunc pouch. I'm proud of it. It's a sign of prosperity and happiness (ha ha ha, kata-kata memujuk diri sendiri setelah tidak berjaya menghapuskan kebuncitan itu).

Looking at the sequence of the events, I must admit that the timing of EVERYTHING is "PERFECT". BEST KAN?

And Bard is not around, since 20th November. LAGI BEST KAN?

Nasib baik ada Daim, boleh jadik pak supir, hehehe. Caya lah Daim! Woot!

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