Friday, May 30, 2008

Gory Movies

I realized something last night. I can watch only certain type of gory movies. I'm a fan of gory movies I tell you. The more blood bags the better. Sick isn't it? I always find gory movies (good ones) fascinating in its weird kind of way. But after I watched The Hills Have Eyes last night on StarMovies, I finally realized that there are some gory movies which don't really fall into my Mesti Tonton category.

Number one, it's a Wes Craven's movie. For horror movie lovers out there, you guys know what I'm talking about. Wes Craven has quite an extensive resume when it comes to horror and gory films. Freddy Kruger gained his popularity with the help of Wes Craven. The silly John Carpenter gets to slay his vampires in Craven's movies. And so does that weird alien-ghost-thing in Mars, which the 'possesed' guys and gals seriously resembled punk blokes and goth chicks back on Earth. Jason made Friday Thirteenth the most loathed and avoided date for those who believe in superstitions. The Living Dead are so alive thanks to Craven. They all made their fame and mark their spot in the entertainment industry under Craven's wings.

For the record, most Craven's movies have one thing in common. They are ridiculous. Seriously scary sometimes, but bloody stupid at most times. So yeah, basically when it comes to Craven, errrrr, I don't really recomend their movies to you guys (if you're horrar movie fan of course).

Number two, the pace of the movie is so painfully SLOW. It picked its pace slightly in the end, with loads of battering, blood gushing and explosion going on here and there. But it was darn slow in the first 100 minutes (that equals to one hour and 40mins if you're wondering). Gosh. It really did build the tension in me. I think that's the reason why the movie was made that way. To build tension gradually. But I hate that style of movie, honestly. For example, you know that the character is gonna be dead in the end, but they drag it and drag it and drag it for too long until you start asking the questions like, 'Hai, bile lah mamat ni nak mampos?'.. You know, up to that point. So tensed and stressed. I think my BP shot up last night while watching the movie. The movie itself is not scary (or good). If I was watching a DVD, I would definitely hit the Fastforward button. So damn SLOW and STRESSING.

Number three, the movie really made me went on one helluva emotional ride. Not that teary eyes kind of emotional ride ok. The kind of, 'Hah, padan muka kau! Pukul dia, pukul dia! Mati lah kau, jahat sangat sape suruh. Hek-elleh apesal lah kau tak kapakkan je si cacat tuh? Aiyo tendang le mamat tu, kau ni pun lembik sangat apehal'..You know, that KIND of emotional ride. I hate it when I act like that. So emotional and no doubt look stupid. But I can't help it. It just happen, especially after you accumulate so much tension inside you and when the time comes, it just blow and goes off in one ugly explosion. Hideous sight. You should see me last night. I started off watching the movie lying casually with Amsyhar and Nadia snugging comfortably at my sides. I ended up watching the movie sitting up, gripping the pillow with my both hands. Honestly, the movie is not that good. But it made me sit up. Yeah, and I don't like it one bit. Towards the end of the movie, I changed the channels quite frequently, switching from StarMovie to StarWorld, AXN, AFC, Animax, Travel & Living, E-Channel. I can't bear the stress watching people about to die. And they don't just die. They die hideously. Killed by hideous mutated and deformed savage miners. Yuck.

I experienced the same feeling when I watched The Hostel. Luckily, I watch DVD. The first one hour was undeniably stupid and pointless, but the last part of the movie really made me go ga-ga. I hit the Fastforward button A LOT towards the end. I can stand the blood bags, but I can't stand the wait for the blood bags to happen. That's why I prefer The Hostel II, waaaaaayyyyy better that The Hostel. To some, both The Hostel and The Hostel II are nothing but torture-porn movies. I think that The Hostel does equal to torture-porn, but The Hostel II is not. Go ahead and watch both and see if you agree with me :)

I don't mind watching head cracked open or ribs got squashed in SAW trilogy either. All SAW movies are good. But then again, I admire Jigsaw's character anyway. He's a brilliant and no doubt a mentally disturbed man. The beauty of SAW movies are the motives and the plan of the Game. It's totally genius and sick. Just like Seven. Or did I watch Seven because of Brad Pitt? Nah, I watched it because of Morgan Freeman, ahahaha.

But to say I cannot take horror/gory movies that build up stress is not a good conclusion as well. I love Shutters (Thai version), eventhough I cheated quite a lot while watching the movie (Waterlily can verify this haha), but I loved it. It brought quite a troublesome headache after (I can't help but to feel pity for the ghost), but it's all good. It is a good movie. Highly recommended to all horror movie lovers out there, but of course you guys already know it :)

So the conclusion I can make out of what happened last is, I cannot stand slow horror movies. The kind that build tension gradually and painfully draggy. The kind that makes me wanna hit the Fastforward button. The kind that makes me want the good guys to be dead quickly with less pain. Yeah. That's about it :)

And did I mention to you, I DID NOT FINISH THE MOVIE. I hate to know the fact that the good guys ended up dead in the movie. Owh, to hell with it. Damn you mutated miners! :p


Anonymous said...

eeeiiiii... tak cool nye jerit²... klu i ada kt situ mesti i gelakkan u. but of course u takkan nampak i kat situ pasal i tak tgk cerita takut and hantu...

muahahahaaaa !

Anonymous said...

"I realized something last night. I can watch only certain type of gory movies." nahhh... it's juz the age is catching up....muahahahaahahhhhhh.......