Sunday, August 31, 2008

Krabi Trip 2008

Sawadikap :)
When I heard stories from friends and acquaintances about the wonders of Krabi I thought, 'Wow, we* must've made a right decision when we picked up Krabi as our group vacation destination'. And yes, we did make a right decision. KRABI is SUPER AWESOME y'all. The place, the people, THE FOOD, the sea. My goodness. I don't see any problem if I am to stay there for a month. Or two months. Or six months. Haha. Aku kan si dugong. Takleh nampak air, pastiku gumbira tak hengat donia. I can stay snorkelling for hours and I don't mind getting baked and toasted by the friendly sun. I fell in love with the place and now really missed the laid back atmosphere, the beautiful sea, the gorgeous natural ponds, the awesome food and the wonderful people of Krabi.
* We aka decision makers = Eusopth, Azyei, Rizal, Leo and myself :)
I don't mind going there again next year :) I tell you. In fact I recommend you guys to check the place out real soon. Well of couse please do take into account to wait till the current Thailand's political turmoil to ease down before you guys hit Krabi, just for precaution and safety purposes :)

Okay gang, I think it's better for you guys to look at the piccies rather than reading my long and and winding entry. Enjoy :)

20th August 2008: Day 1-From Airport to Aonang Bay

PhranangPlace Hotel - tempat tidoq kami

The Group - Eusopth, Azyei, me, Leo, Anthony, Arib, Jenny, Rizal (Bard was taking photo)

Geng rempit menular di Krabi :D

Minah Ah Long at work

Synchronize Walking?

The First Jump

Aonang Beach

After dinner at Krua Thara (sedap nak mampos!)

The colourful streets of Aonang Bay

Swords and potraits of Muay Thai fighter sold at the streets of Aonang Bay

21st August 2008: Day 2 - Getting ready for the island hopping tour

On the boat

Our first stop

Swim swim swim

The dugongs :)

The Second Jump

Say KRABIIIIII *picture taken by Captain Nuk, ahem-ahem Azyei*

Casts of The Beach 2.. Eat that Leonardo Di Caprio ;p

Lunch stop in Railay Beach. Huhu, sedap uolss..

Here fishy fishy fishy!

22nd August 2008: Day 3- Walking to Tiger Cave Temple

At the Tiger Cave Temple

Steps up to the 500 year old Big Tree and Tiger Cave

The Tiger Paw

One of the temples at Tiger Cave

On our way up to Huay Tho Waterfall

The view was so nice we had to do our jump and this was our Third one!

Huay Tho waterfall and me :)

The Forth Jump - on our way to Emerald Pool aka Crystal Pool

The Fifth Jump was done IN the Emerald Pool :D

The water is shallow, so yeah they're happy, heheh..

Peserta acara terjun bebas dari Krabi

The Hot Spring

Trying to look cool in the Hot Spring. It's 40-42 degree Celcius yo! Fuh-yo!

23rd August 2008: Day 4- Was waiting for our next tour to start at @rt Canoeing tour office when Krabi parade marched down the street :D

Queen of Krabi met Queen of Sewing?

The elephant ride. Lara Croft sangat..

Bard, Muay Nuang the elephant and myself

P/S: After the elephant ride we stopped by at this very beautiful natural pond. However I was sabotaged by the photographer (Bard) because I CAN SWIM and he can't. No photos were taken there :(. Only the guide and me swam at the pond. The rest of the crew buhsan menunggu di tepian air dan tak berani masuk cause the water is deep :p

My first canoe experience. And we did it WITHOUT life jacket ok. Saspen because in our group only our guide and me saje yang tau berenang. Yang lain ada yang boleh but with life jacket, quite a few cannot swim at all. We stopped in the middle of the sea, seriously. Tiba-tiba je ada beting pasir. If the tide is low, I bet a small sand island will form at this spot :)

The Sixth Jump - at the cove

The Seventh Jump was done in the sea - our stop at the cove when we did our canoeing

Iyah iyah iyah..

Canoeing through the swamp

24th August 2008: Day 5- The Eighth Jump was done in Krabi Town

The antic shop in Krabi Town

Note : What we didn't know was that Krabi Town's as good as an old sleeepy town on lazy Sundays, so yeah we pretty much wasted about almost an hour there trying to find evidence of life and shopping spots

The puppets in the antic shop

In Khu Thara natural pond

Peserta acara terjun berirama dari Krabi Selatan

Arib, the man that walks on water, haha

25th August 2008: Day 6- Time to go home. Picture taken at Krabi Airport. From left to right: Azyei, me, Rizal, Mat (the driver), Arib, Jenny, Leo, Ant, Eusopth

The Last Jump. We just couldn't resist! ;D

Till then, hope you guys enjoy the pics. WE knew we've enjoyed ourselves BIG TIME there ;D


ladynina said...

OMG! tangan Jue sgt panjang di semua acara LOMPAT bebas dan kuak LOMPAT. huahuahuahuahuaaaa...

more piccies.. more piccies.. more piccies... more ! more ! more !

ladynina said...

.... dan mat rempit krabi itiew, paling tak tahan uols.. ROTFL.

Sleeperzzzz said...

nga ha ha haaa.. kan itu telah termaktub sejak azali lagik. for godsake, my arms are as long as YKH's arm ok, and he's way talleh tahn me. sungguh ape lagi gorilla kan i ni?

anyways, checkout Krabi Trip 2008 album 1,2,3 for more piccies ok ;)