Friday, October 10, 2008


Staying at home gives a lot of impact to people. Some may be positive, others maybe negative. For me, I'd rather view it as positive impact than negative ones. Undeniably there were negative impacts experienced and happened of course. Made me did a lot of thinking, about myself, family, relationships, friends and life.

Tales about divorces, poligamy, dramas of family and neighbours made me did a lot of thinking lately. Or maybe I have finally came to my senses and realised that the simplest thing can be the most powerful thing on earth; it could bring the strongest man down. It does not have to be complicated. The root of most problems are usually surprisingly simple. Simple and always viewed as petty. Petty things always left behind unnoticed. Petty things always been handled lightly and not so seriously. Petty things are petty. And those petty things will bring you down eventually.

Why humans always neglect petty things? What I mean here are the petty things that we thought as petty but they are not THAT petty.

Scene 1: Raya open house with loads of families & friends gathering together. You see a kid being rude to his mommy. The mommy then defensively explains to the other guests (o shall I say witnesses of the rudeness happened) which she says,'Oh biasalah budak-budak sekarang ni lain sikit. Kat rumah tu, bila saya marah dia, dia panggil saya bodoh. Muka bapak dia pun dia sedap-sedap je tempeleng. Budak-budak, macam tu lah Cik Jah..' It's very petty and very normal for kids to behave like that she says. It's petty that we have to accept it as petty thing, perkara yang tak ada apa-apa, biasalah tu semua.

Scene 2: In a house, Raya week. No visitors but the house is full of grown up sons. The grown up sons are all sprawling in front of the TV catching the latest aya programs and movies on Astro Ria or Prima. The old mother busies herself with house chores; from sweeping, to laundry, to cook and finally clean. The boys are all relaxing, will get their meal on time and when visitors come, all they do is say, 'Sila masuk sila masuk. Sila makan sila makan.' It's up to the mother to do the rest. The mother doesn't mind, saying that it's her job to keep things in order. It's her responsiblity to run the house. It's all right, it's mommy's work. It's all right for the boys to be lazy bums because house chores are not meant for the sons. It's so petty and small, it's okay for the boys to be what they want to be and do (or don't do?) what they want to do.

Scene 3: Conversation between a man and a woman (or shall I say man and wife?) :

W: Haiya I'm so tired today, standing so long...Nearly 2 hours woo.
M: Why stand so long wan?
W: Ya lah, ironing all the clothes...
M: Next time I can iron my clothes myself ok! *angry*
W: Eh eh.. When did I say I'm tired of ironing ALL your clothes. I ironed all of OUR clothes..
M: Who ask you to iron mine?
W: I don't mind ironing yours.
M: Next time, leave mine. I iron it myself. *cold angry*
W: Oy, I just want to tell you why I feel so tired today, that's all.. *fedup oredi*
M: Next time don't iron my clothes. Iron yours only! * still cold angry*
W: Fine.
M: Fine.

So petty right? It's just about ironing clothes. Two different views, two different ways of approaching the situation brings the worse scenario one can ever imagine of. Well, ok this scene is not that bad but it can turn out to be stupid consequences believe me.

Well ok, that's all for now. Just those three scenes for you guys to read, think and maybe relate to your own life. Has any of the petty things ever come across your life? Did you treat it seriously of you leave it to be neglected cause it's just a stupid silly petty thing? Those three scenes are inspired of real life tales, and I believe some of you may have encountered these tales-alike in your life too.

Is it really petty?

Think about it :)

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