Saturday, October 11, 2008



The Who’s

Who Was The Last Person You Talked To? My daughter

Who Was Your Last Kiss? My sweetheart - Amsyhar

Who Knows The Most About You? Azyei, Leo, my mama

Who Can Make You Laugh No Matter What? My kids and Eusopth

Who Can You Always Count On? Azyei, Leo, Ant, Jenny, Bard, hoh banyaknye...

Who Has Your Heart? Myself la. What kind of question is this? Oh soklan tersirat ke nih?

Who Is or Was Your Favorite Teacher In School? Puan Suzana, Bahasa Melayu teacher in SMSJ Kluang. I think she's cool and her methods of teaching is very unconventional :)

Who Is Your Best Friend(s)? Azyei, Leo, Ant, Bard

Who Loves You? Family & friends whom I call them family too

The What’s

What Is Your Favorite Song At The Moment? Superwoman by Alicia Keys

What Are You Looking Forward To? An easy & simple life, healthy always, being loved by other and to love others unconditionally

What Is Your Favorite Color? GREEN

What Website Do You Visit Most? My own blog (ceh tipu), others' blogs, Facebook (I loggin' for Noggin' tapi tak menang-menang jugak)

What Is Your Favorite Smell? L'eau D'ssey by Issey Miyake. Period.

What Is Your Favorite Movie? Terlalu banyak. I'm a movie buff la wey.

What Makes You Mad? Ignorance. Rudeness. People littering.

What Curse Word Do You Use A lot? Owhshit!

What Kind Of Phone Do You Have? HP iPAQ yang tak la best sangat pun.

What Was The Last Song You Listened To? I dunno what's the title but it's for one of those ads on Animal Planet. It's a cool song y'know.. ;) *this shows you that I watch more idiot box than listen to the radio right now*

The When’s

When Was The Last Time You Went To The Mall? Tuesday and it was only GIANT KELANA JAYA. God help me.

When Did You Talk To Your Crush Last? Hah? Tak hengat.

When Do or Did You Graduate? 2000

When Is The Next Time You’ll Do Something Fun? Not sure. Weh, ape punye soklan nih?!

When Was The Last Time You Ate or Drank Something? Ate at 7.30pm with Nadia, at home lah.

When Is Your Birthday? November 8th.

When Was The Last Time You Went To The Movies? Can't remember the date but it was Babylon A.D. Must be in mid last month.

When Is Your Parents Birthday? Mom - 16th June, Dad - in September, date lupa *sorry papa, hauhauhau*

When Were You In The Car Last? Yesterday, Friday.

When Will You Be 21? Hoih, ini soklan expired lah. Cheyyy.

When Will You Be Taking Your Next Vacation? Plan for a Pesta Cahaya getaway with the supermodelsz. Another trip to local islands on Chinese New Year's hols. Heheh. Skeee.

The Where’s

Where Do You Live? Ara Damansara, PJ

Where Is The Best Place To Be? Home, depan TV to be precise *huhu I'm a POTATO*

Where Was Your Last Vacation? Krabi, Thailand - August 2008

Where Were You Born? Teluk Intan, Perak.

Where Is Your Best Friend? Right now? Having dinner perhaps. They're going out for movies later.

Where Was The Last Place Your Were Besides Your Own House? SJMC

Where Do You Think You’ll Be In 10 Years? Older and wiser? So I should be at the place where older & wiser peeps are I think. Aku pun tak faham jawapan aku nih. Series aku tak paham. Sebab aku tak dapat bygkan katne aku ade in 10 years time.

Where Is Your Cell Phone? Next to me, charging.

Where Are Your Parents? In USJ, Subang Jaya. Methinks they're at home now.

Where Was Your Display Picture Taken? Display where? Here in this blog? It was taken outside FFTC, after Dancehall class :D

Well, that's all guys. Thanks to The Lady, who generously tagged me, now I have to keep the ball rolling by tagging others too. But there are so many to tag, plus maybe those who I might tag have already been tagged before. So I leave an open option to you readers (if any). Consider youself tagged and keep this tag going!

Cheers ;)


ladynina said...

terima kasih kerana melayan kehendak saya. teehee..

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