Friday, November 14, 2008

What Would You Do If...

1) ... small kids (not older than 7-8 years old) were being rude to your children right in front of your eyes? Their gurdians* were there witnessing this but failed to react appropriately. When you refrained the kids from 'playing' near your children, these supposedly innocent kids yelled 'BOLEH BELAH LA!' (equivalent to 'piss off!' in English) straight to your face. What would you do?
*I call them guardians because they looked more like sisters and brothers to the kids; not parents. Well, they don't ACT like one so I assumed they are not.

I was so close at reaching up to my oversized golf umbrella and use it to whack the boys' head. I seriously wanted to walk over to them and give them the nastiest beatings of their lives. But my kids were there and I didn't want them to witness some ugly scenes initiated by a mad woman whom they call 'mama'. However, being a not-so-perfect mother, I did snap back and barked, 'Mulut tu jaga sikit eh' to the boys right after they spitted the rude 'Boleh belah la' to me. My barkings must've scared them at certain degree because they didn't come too near to where Nadia, Amsyhar and me sat afterwards. I did feel as if I was being immature by snapping back at the ill-bred kids. I wished I could've been calmer, more intelligent and able to handle the matter wisely. But I was too angry then to think straight and to act like a sound adult. So sue me.

2) ... somebody suddenly pulled his/her car into THE parking bay you've waited for more than 20 minutes long? I still remember one case which never fail to piss me everytime I think about it.
It happened in a parking lot of a particular shopping mall. After searching for almost half an hour, both Bard and me pulled over by the roadside and waited for almost 10-15 minutes when we finally saw a guy walking over to his green car, which located very near to us (kat sebelah kereta I jer). Suddenly there's a stupid white car pulled over NEXT to us and signalled to pull in the bay. The white car actually stopped in the middle of the road, blocked the traffic and caused a major pile up behind him. Due to this congestion, the green car couldn't get out of his bay. The white car had to eventually move forward to enable the green car to move. This gave us the opportunity to pull in the bay, because we were in the position where we neither block the traffic nor the green car's way out. So we got in. End of story? NOPE.

The driver of the stupid white car pulled over, got out of his car and walked to our car. The moment I saw the driver opened his door I automatically opened mine too. I was so ready to create a scene. I was so ready to fight. I didn't care if it's gonna be a bloody scene or whatever. What I cared was how I was going to make him understand that WE are not going to be bullied by him. The driver was angry too (flushed face, shrill voice) but managed to keep his composure. He said this and he said that to convince us why we should give the bay up to him. Believe it or not, Bard did GIVE UP the bay and we did pull out so the white car could get in. It took us another bloody half an hour just to find another available bay. I was so mad, I neither have the appetite to eat nor mood to talk afterwards. I was not angry with Bard. I felt angry with myself, with the situation and felt really stupid for letting that thing happened to me.
So, tell me friends, what would you do if you happened to come across either of the two situations above?

1 comment:

Leonora Halim said...

Scene 1: Rude Kids!
- this is what i did before.. and it works without making the other party feel 'stupid' and without being a 'crazy mom' (or crazy aunty in my case)
- u 'cubit' the rude kid's arm... drag him to the 'guardian'. Make sure that 'cubitan' really hurts. And say to the guardian without screaming,"Hello.. ur kid is very rude, pls educate them more. Tq"
- if that kid still rude, "ish... cantiknya perangai... anak sapa la ni...." :D

Scene 2: Parking lot.
- I 'pokpok' abg bard
- I will convince the other driver, why I deserve that parking lot. End of story. Unless that driver is really old woman/ man or woman with small kids.

:D :D :D