Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Date of check-up: 28th February 2006
Day of check-up: Tuesday
Venue: Subang Jaya Medical Centre, Subang Jaya, Selangor
Obstrecian/Gynaecology: Dato' Dr. Siti Zaliha
Expected Due Date: 8th April 2006
The Mother's Wish for the Exact Due Date: Anyday towards the end of March
Mother's Weight: 57.2 kg (additional 1 kg in 3 weeks!)
Baby's Gross Weight: 2.20kg
Baby's position: Head Down / Vertex
Baby's Growth: Excellent
Baby's Gender: Boy
What's going on now:
It is said that I suppose to have Braxton Hicks starting from this week onwards. Braxton what? Not Toni Braxton okay, halo.. It's Braxton Hicks..Braxton Hicks (also known as 'false labour' by some) happens when an expecting mother experiencing series of contraction as if she's going to give birth soon, but the contractions suddenly stops and actual birth doesn't happen. Contractions experienced before an actual birth will normally starts with faint contraction, not so painful and has about 15 minutes gap before the next contraction occurs. This will continue for awhile; for half an hour, an hour, 2 hours, etc... Depends on each individual. Different body type has different speed rate of labour. Then the gap of the contractions will become shorter; from 15 minutes to 10 minutes, and then to 5 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minutes, 30 seconds, 15 seconds and so forth.. And the contractions bit will become stronger and longer too.
I had quite a number of Braxton Hicks experience myself, when I was pregnant with Nadia. I think I had it three times. It's so frustrating, not to mention very alarming. I knew it wasn't the real thing, but what I didn't know is that it could happen many times before an actual birth takes place. A friend of mine, Illa also had quite a number of bad Braxton Hick (BH) experience, and according to her, her BH was so strong, she really felt as if she's going to give birth soon back then. As for me, I didn't say that the contractions weren't painful, but I still could tolerate the pain. Honestly, I think my BH is not as bad and as painful as the final hours of my labour. BH is also known as THE practice time for babies to prepare themselves for their actual births. The more BH happens, the lesser chance for a baby to 'turn around' into breech position.

Another misconception on breech position. For almost two years, I believed that 'breech position' is actually when a baby is in 'horizontal' position. Meaning, the head is on the side of his mommy's belly, and the bottom is on the opposite side of his mommy's belly = HORIZONTAL. And gosh, I was damn wrong. I start to know the real position of breech baby when I started to read a lot of articles related to breech position in my second pregnancy. The readings and the paranoia starts after I read somewhere (in which article I didn't quite remember) that women who're active in sports might have higher chance of having breech baby because of their lean body and tight-core (abdomen). Ya lah, I don't have 6-pack abs, but my abs is much more stronger than any ladies in my office. Anyway, back to breech position. Well, THE REAL breech position is actually BOTH, that is either the baby's in horizontal position or in upside-down vertical presentation. Upside-down vertical presentation happens when a baby's head is positioned upward, and his bottom is downward. It's still vertical, except that it's positioned upside-down.

Vaginal birth is acomplishable, by pulling the baby's bottom first (normal birth will be head out first), and then straightening the legs, and pull the baby out all the way from there. Problem is, there's a major risk of 'stuck-babies', normally happens when his arms stuck in the mother's cervix and cannot pass through, or the head is way too big to pass through. This could lead to suffocation. Popular solution = CAESEREAN SECTION.

Luckily my boy is positioned head-down from last three weeks. I hope my BH will start soon. BH does not only prepare the baby for actual birth, it also helps ripen the cervix so it can be easily dilated when actual labour takes place later. I really hope that I can give birth earlier than the EDD, but whatever it is, the MOST important thing is - I want the baby to be safe and I pray that this birth will be as easy as I had with Nadia. Friends, do pray for me okay! Really need all the prayers, thoughts and luck to go through this!!! ;D

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