Monday, March 20, 2006

30 Days Away From Home

Jeez... It's been thirty days now, believe it or not? Bard has been away from Nadia and me for THIRTY DAYS!!! Fuh, that makes one month I should say! We've been in touch with each other via email almost everyday, and according to his latest email, it seems like the possibility for him to stay longer in Saudi is getting higher and higher. He said that the most important variable in his job is the WHAT IF question. This means, if everything is fine, then the job can be completed in less than one or two days. But if something happens in the middle of the job (this something happens a lot actually), for example stuck pipe or Top Drive problem (aiyoh, too technical for even me to understand); then the job has to be adjourned until the problem is resolved. The job has to be continued however and if they face the same ol' problem again, then they have to take a break, resolve the matter and continue the job again until it's done. Basically, what Bard's doing now can be done in a day (with condition of no interruption of any problem during the job). But the thing is, problems keep on popping out one after another since the day they first started the job. So, looks like longer stay for Bard in Saudi, and another lonely days for me this week. Haih... So kesian kepada diri sendiri...

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