Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Date of check-up: 14th March 2006
Day of check-up: Tuesday
Venue: Subang Jaya Medical Centre, Subang Jaya, Selangor
Obstrecian/Gynaecology: Dato' Dr. Siti Zaliha
Expected Due Date: 8th April 2006
The Mother's Wish for the Exact Due Date: As long as the father is around, anyday will be fine ;)
Mother's Weight: 58.7 kg (additional 1.5 kg in 2 weeks! Aiyoh!)
Mother's BP: Systolic - 110 / Diastolic - 70
Baby's Gross Weight: 2.90kg
Baby's position: Head Down / Vertex
Baby's Growth: So far so good ;)
Baby's Gender: Boy
What's going on now:
My gynae gave me the permission to gain 2-4kg until my delivery and she told me this on 28th April (my last visit). I think I've done a rather good job, haven't I? I gained 1.5kg in just two weeks! Mak aiiiii... Berat tu... But anyway, I'm happy with it and my gynae's happy with my progress also. Actually, I forgot to ask my gynae about the baby's gross weight. But then normally, half of the total weight gained by the mother will normally go to the baby. So in my case, about 0.70kg will go to my baby, which in total will be 2.20kg + 0.70kg = 2.90kg! The position is still head down, and according to one article I read, generally babies will normally maintain their position from this point until the day they're delivered. My baby is still moving and kicking in my tummy, but there're no more sommersaults this time. He only rolls from side to side now ;).. My baby's head is not 'dropped' yet (some doctors refer this as 'engaged'), but my gynae told me not to worry as this is also can be considered as normal. Up to this stage, she said that neither my baby nor my body is ready for delivery. I took it as a good news as Bard is still in Saudi Arabia since last month, and honestly I don't know when is he coming back to Malaysia. I just hope that he'll be able to be back soon, so that he'll be around when our boy finally arrives. I just hope he's here with me at this moment...*sigh*

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