Monday, March 27, 2006


Date of check-up: 24th March 2006
Day of check-up: Friday
Venue: Subang Jaya Medical Centre, Subang Jaya, Selangor
Obstrecian/Gynaecology: Dato' Dr. Siti Zaliha
Expected Due Date: 8th April 2006
The Mother's Wish for the Exact Due Date: Anytime next week lorr, hehehe.. Sudah tak tahan, my tummy is sooo big now..:)
Mother's Weight: 59.2 kg (additional 0.5 kg in 1 week)
Mother's BP: Systolic - 120 / Diastolic - 80
Baby's Gross Weight: 3.06kg
Baby's position: Head Down / Vertex
Baby's Growth: Veli big baby worrrr
Baby's Gender: Boy
What's going on now:
I'm happy with my weight gain so far. I haven't been to the gym as frequent as I used to, and ate loads of food over the weekends (normally I spend my weekends at my mom's house in USJ 14, makan selalu sedap-sedap). Gaining 0.50 kg in one week is not so bad, considering the rapid baby's growth phase I'm in now (baby's gaining as much as an ounce per day) and the super huge amount of food that I took almost EVERYDAY that week. Now I'm watching my diet again. Don't wanna this baby to be bigger than Nadia (she was 3.45 kg when I gave birth to her). The first comment my gynae gave me when she scanned my baby was, 'BABY DAH BESAR!' Ofcourse the baby will be bigger, but I think my boy has grown quite fast in just over a week. And I have a feeling that the estimated gross weight is not so accurate. When I was carrying Nadia, my gynae said that most probably Nadia would weigh about 3.2 kg when I gave birth to her. It turned out to be 3.45 kg instead! Those with no experience might say, 'Does it make any difference? It's only 200kg+ of additional weight!' Believe me, IT DOES MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. For example my sister (who's also currently pregnant). Her baby's gross weight was 2.90 kg when she did her check up on her 38th week. Mine's 3.06 kg on my 38th week. The difference is just about 100 grams but in terms of size, my baby will look bigger and taller than her baby. I prefer smaller baby actually. Easier to give birth mahhh.. But whatever it is, regardless of his size or weight; what I really want is to have a safe delivery, a healthy son and hopefully, a natural normal birth. That's all. Hopefully Bard will be around when I give birth to our son. Haiyoh, sampai hari ni tak balik lagi lar.. Cheeehhhhhhhh......

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