Thursday, March 30, 2006


Date of check-up: 29th March 2006
Day of check-up: Wednesday
Venue: Subang Jaya Medical Centre, Subang Jaya, Selangor
Obstrecian/Gynaecology: Dato' Dr. Siti Zaliha
Expected Due Date: 8th April 2006
The Mother's Wish for the Exact Due Date: Anytime as long as it's not overdue ;)
Mother's Weight: 59.2 kg (finally manage to maintain my weight, owh yeah!)
Mother's BP: Normal (forgot to ask larrr)
Baby's position: Head Down / Vertex
Baby's Gender: Boy
What's going on now:
I have finally managed to maintain my weight gain. I think my boy is going to be smaller than the sister, but hey, what the heck.. Sooner or later, the boy will grow. It's either he'll be as gigantic as the father or as cute as me, hehehe.. The baby's head is halfway 'dropped' into my cervix's cavity (some say 'engaged') and my gynae said that I might give birth anytime soon now, yay! She even asked me whether I want MC before my EDD or not, can arrr??.. Heheheheh.. Oh yeah, before I forgot to mention here, Bard's already returned to KL on 28/03/06 (Tuesday)*wooot*! He's in town right now and thankgod, doesn't have any jetlag problem. I don't know how to describe how relieve I am when he's around! He followed me to the checkup yesterday but forgot to request from the doctor to scan the baby. Oh well, it's just 8 days away form my EDD now. He'll get the chance to see our boy in person later anyway *wink wink*.. Nadia as usual was excited when she saw my gynae checked me. She kept on telling her (my gynae), 'Baby boy.. in mama's tummy, sleeping'. How cute. Just wait until the rivalry phase comes in. Sure pening punya.

Anyway, enough on me..Now, I wanna share a story about my sister. Last night I received a text message from my mom saying that my sister went to her gynae to check up on her baby's condition as her baby's movement was very weak. I don't know what did she means by 'weak', but I suppose it must be the number of the baby's kicking, which can be considered as not normal if it's lesser than 10 times per day. I got the news sometime around 8pm. I called my mom and asked her how was my sister doing. My mom told me that my sis was kinda sad and nervous because her gynae told her that if the baby's condition continues to be like that (weak movement), they have to perform C-sect in order to safe the baby. My sis prefers natural birth actually, and was taken aback by the doctor's solution. I texted her (I didn't call because I didn't wanna make her cry again; she was crying when she called my mom) and told her to be patient and to accept the situation as it is. If the doctor says operate, then go ahead with that option. Don't be stubborn and stick to your decision to give natural birth. I don't want her to make one stupid mistake which might affect the baby in anyway. If that happens, she will ended up blaming herself for the rest of her life. So, she was admitted to the ward last night so it's easier for her doctor to monitor both mother's and baby's condition.

Anyway, she texted me again last night at 10.30pm saying that her baby's movement has returned to normal. I only managed to read her message this morning, because I left my mobile phone in the car last night. I was so relieved to hear the news and replied to her asking whether she has been discharged from the ward or not. Then she said that her baby became weak again this morning and had irregular heartbeat. I cannot help but to think, 'She's definitely gonna have her baby today, by hook or by crook'. And I was right. The doctor didn't want to take risk, and so sent her for operation at 10am. The baby was safely delivered at 10.40am. Apparently, the doctor found later that the culprit which caused the baby's problem was the umbilical cord. It was wrapped around the baby's neck and almost caused her to suffocate inside my sister's womb. I'm glad by the doctor's quick and brilliant action, which has not only safe the baby, but also safe the mother. Alhamdullillah.

I just hope that mine won't be as 'adventure' and as dramatic as my sister's. So far my boy's doing fine, but anything can happen, right? It's well way beyond our control. All I can do now is to pray and hope that everything turn out to be fine when the day finally comes. Pray for me, friends! Wish me luck!!!;)

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