Friday, July 14, 2006

The Beginning of Blogspot

I've been contemplating on starting a new blog in Blogspot for quite some time actually. Some of my friends suggested me to blog here not so long ago cause it's much more easier and very user-friendly. Well, now I'm finally in! Hooray for me!

But really, you guys have to pardon my ignorance in constructing blog-template using html. I'm such a bimbo! My knowledge in html equals to ZERO! But still I want to play with the things I'm not familiar with..*smile* And finally, the best thing I can come with is only 'the things' you can see on this page - a seriously hideous attempt of an amateur to modify an existing template. *rolls eyes* And yes, I know how you feel about the background picture. It's bugging you isn't it? But there's nothing I can do about that. I just like this Sepiroth guy (Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children). So he has to be in the background whether you like it or not, ha-ha!


Anonymous said...

i rike!!!!!

Unknown said...

i rike 2!! how u do one????

yw[2k] said...

We all rike! :P

Anonymous said...

Very nicely done... but susah nak baca laa with that background... How long did it take to do all this? Mesti tak buat kerja ni... hehe...

Sleeperzzzz said...

leo: you rike...i oso rike!!:D

alvin_kyen: simple, i bet you also know how to do it. don't be modest mah..

yw[2k]: me like it three!

nora: okey la.. i change the alignment of my boi boi's pic to right side. easier for ya'ol to read my posts..btw, check out the title of this blog..which means, al of these are done when i'm REALLY BORED..:D