Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This Is What Happened In IOI

Last night was a close one. I wasn't prepared to handle such a thing. I have no back up. No Plan B. Certainly one of the most terror moments in my life.

Primetime BODYJAM slot. IOI. Attendance 35-40. AND MY MP3 PLAYER'S DEAD! :O

I have charged the battery. It was full when I checked it the first time. Just before I went off to IOI, I rechecked the battery status. It turned from 3-full-bars to two bars*. I thought, 'OK. What's wrong with you? This is not good'. I thought maybe if I reboot my Zen, the displayed battery bar will be boosted up to full-3-bars. This has happened to me before so I was pretty sure that my Zen was just having its bimbo moments. So I rebooted it. But it didn't work. It was 5 minutes to 5pm. I have left with NO time at all to charge it till it's full. I should've brought my Zen charger along so that I could charge it in IOI. But being so 'intelligent', I LEFT my charger in the office and headed to IOI with full confidence that my Zen was fooling around with me.

*Crash course for readers to understand the relation of bars and battery level: 3-bars = full battery; 2 bars = moderate; 1 bar = weak or i'm gonna be dead real soon; 0 bar = RIP.

To make things worse, I didn't even thought of conserving the battery for the class. I listened to my Zen for at least 40 minutes before my class started. On normal condition, my Zen's 2 bars will normally last for AT LEAST ONE HOUR before it turns to 1 bar. 1 bar can normally be stretched up for another hour before it's completely flat. But I guess my Zen was just being plain old and showing its signs of aging at the wrong time.

By the time my class started, it turned from 2 bars to 1 bar. I thought, 'This is NOT gonna last long'. I'd hoped I was wrong. Sadly, I was correct.

About 20 minutes later (after warm-up and latin tracks from release #42) my mp3 WENT OFF. I WENT WHITE WITH HORROR. It was COMPLETELY OFF ok. I hunted the GXM down and asked if him if he has an iPod charger. Heck, I even asked the members and the frontdesk staffs if any of them has an iPod charger. Little I know that the USB for iPod charger is totally different from Zen's.

The GXM gave me his iPod and his charger, but the USB charger didn't fit into mine. Furthermore, he has only BODYJAM 45 and 46 in his iPod. I on the other hand wanted to do BODYJAM #42 second block. Shah was there and he brought his iPod along but he doesn't have BODYJAM #42 second block.

What the hell? I didn't even brought my BODYJAM 42 CD along *hitting head on the wall*. Guess I have to resort to other BODYJAM release for second block options, no?

Somehow, after rebooting it repeatedly and switching it on-and-off violently, my Zen was magically powered up and managed to sing out loud once again. I was SO RELIEVED. Surprisingly, my Zen managed to stay strong and kept on rocking until the end of the class. I managed to do Keep It Coming, Umbrella, #42 second block and Beautiful Liar, and covered the full 60 minutes class successfully! There was a time when the song suddenly stopped (Get Down- Groove Amarda), but it wasn't about the battery. It was Zen, having its bimbo moments again. The battery however, stuck to 1-bar till the end.

Phew. Thank God. Next time bring the charger along ya little missy 'intelligent'.

p/s: Thanks IOI for being such a great support. Love y'all!*muacks*


ladynina said...

OMG ! what a moment.

#1 piakzzz for lupa-ing charger, not bawa-ing DVD

#2 it's time to get new player.


Sleeperzzzz said...


#1 *mengelak your piakzzz*

#2 konon nak beli tapi rase mcm zen nie still buleh pakai lagik. huhu. haji bakhil sungguh.

shades said...

drama minggu lalu:)

Just buy ipod lah....